

Lithuanian forests – a natural element of the Lithuanian landscape characterized by health, biodiversity, productivity and sustainability, providing timber, green energy, food products and opportunities for recreation of the urban and rural people, forming habitats for numerous flora and fauna species, preventing soil erosion, purifying air and absorbing carbon dioxide, protecting ground and surface waters, satisfying other ecological, economical, and social needs of society at national and global levels.

State Forest Service is an institution under the Ministry of Environment, responsible for the implementation of the National policy in forest management. 

Implementing Forest Law, State Forest Service pursue following functions:
- manages State forest cadastre;
- execute National forest inventory;
- control condition, use, reforestation, afforestation and protection of forests of all types of ownership;
- issue logging permissions to forest managers and users;
- control quality of forest management activities;
- control origin, quality, production, trade and use of forest reproductive material;
- assess and control origin and quality of forest genetic resources;
- control use of forest sanitary protection measures;
- provide advices to forest managers and users regarding management, regeneration, maintenance and protection of forests;
- implement EU Timber Regulation (No 995/2010);
- applies to court in case of possible public rights violation.

Last updated: 23-09-2023